The GEnie Files 1992 - PART 1
What are the GEnie Files? See
Category 8, Topic 7
Message 135 Tue Jan 14; 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 01:45 EST
best espresso is in berkeley. best in the u.s.a. (i know because i tour and it's hell when there is no good food or coffee!) anyway... ROMA on college ave., MILANO on bancroft way, and THE FRENCH HOTEL on shattuck (all owned by the same couple [the seattle's ROMA is theirs too]), but for the ultimate coffee, find where and when martine works..... the best deadhead veggie greasy spoon... SMOKEY JOES’ CAFE on shattuck near cedar..... best hamburgers (and veggies) HAMBURGER MARY’S in s.f.
1. How did you become a certified shaman?
2. Where were you when I needed one?
Category 2, Topic 26
Message 10 Tue Jan 14, 1992
F. MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 02:29 EST
basically i "became" a shaman through intensive living... about 13 years focused on "magical" work. funny, i sometimes get calls from people who want to study under a shaman, and when they ask who was my teacher (as if they could look it up in the shaman who's who to check my references), and i say "life," they never get it. why did you need a shaman? i have been in berkeley for 16 years...before that, n.y.c., santa fe nm, and san bernardino. by the way, i do a 1-on-1 intro training for cherotic magic (8 days for people coming from outside the bay area, and 8 weeks for people living in the bay area.)
Topic 35 Fri Jan 17, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 01:59 EST
Sub: censorship
news from the front of the cultural civil war
Last reply in this topic
Category 9, Topic 35
Message 57 Wed Feb 05, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 02:14 EST
dasher, i gave a talk to CAL-ACT about 2 months ago at FREEDOM'S FORUM. [btw, you could tell Franklin Furnace to carry my book and zine again.]
when i told mike's [LaBash] story at the school of the art institute of Chicago, i added...i was lucky because i had been doing my art for 15 years before i went to the s.f. art institute for my when THEY told me my art wasn't art at all, i knew better. but mike went to art school right out of high he believed the EXPERTS. i tell students, if they don't drop out of art school, at the very least follow their inner calling and don’t take any advice.
btw, VOX, a s.f. art magazine, came out today with my ART OF BREAKING TABOOS.
Category 9, Topic 35
Message 4 Sat Jan 18, 1992
F.M00RE7 [SHAMAN] at 04:25 EST
I’m pretty much blacklisted from the bay area galleries and clubs...this goes back before helms got into the act. the nudity, audience participation, the physical eroplaying...and especially the 5—48 hours...and the trance states..., all freak galleries out. they can’t package it. but what locked the blacklist was when i did not let a gallery (the lab) worm its way out of its contract with me...i ended up performing almost nude outside the locked gallery for two nights...since then, no bookings from the bay area art establishment [but i have performed outside their power kingdom...such as at poetry events...i’m doing a performance in march in oakland at the studio of an artist who saw my flyer about being blacklisted.] helms got the names of karen finley, annie sprinkle, johanna went, cheri gaulke, and me from reporters of a n.y.c. moonie newspaper who, under false pretenses, went through the files of the nyc gallery that booked us. the gallery, franklin furnace, is now closed down for ”fire code.” i think the shamanistic elements of our work is more offensive to the helms mind than the sexual elements.
Topic 25 Sun Jun 23, 1991
DAVID.NOOR [S.F.] at 19 :51 EDT
Sub; Bizarre Bezerkeley BERKELEY
Let's hear one for off-beat up-beat politically—out-there STILL CRAZY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS b E r K e L e Y !
51 message(s) total.
Category 3, Topic 25
Message 49 Sat Jan 18, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 03:31 EST
question: why does not the home of the free speech movement have a cable access channel? for the scary answer, ask mel and paul at THE EAST BAY MEDIA CENTER on university ave.
Category 3, Topic 25
Message 50 Sat Jan 18, 1992
MODEM.MOM LDiane3 at 05:04 EST
Shaman Frank? Not being in Berkeley, it'd be hard for me to ask on this one. Can you fill us in a bit, please?
Category 3, Topic 25
Message 51 Sun Jan 19, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 03:14 EST
mel & paul have been trying for at least 6 years to get the city council to create a public access channel (the closest thing we have to one is peralta college tv in Oakland [who just freaked out because m&p just aired a 2-hour performance of a dance co. moving nude in slow motion]). all the city has done is create a well-paid commission and had several costly studies done, meanwhile, m&p have create the best equipped studios for public access...all that is needed is to be plugged into the cable system. m&p think the university, the company in the company town of berkeley, for some reason do not want the people to have direct communication access, i think the powers-that-are know that, once m&p [who are the logical ones to run the channel] got plugged in, m&p would be truly independent...uncontrolled.... they would air someone like me!
Category 9, Topic 35
Message 9 Mon Jan 20, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 04:02 EST
well...where to begin? cable is not governed by the f.c.c. rules because it is not broadcast over the public air waves. in the case of the nude dance video, the station got no complaints and quite a few thank yous. the only one who freaked out was the station manager [since fired] who said nudity is her. diane, why is this uncomfortable adult watching the nude video? the uncomfortableness of nudity, sex, etc. the child feels in the adult is always there, not just when the adult is watching nude tv..... so censoring nudity does not take away that uncomfortableness, it promotes it..... and hence isolation, fragmentation, and fear. in my performances, i take people into the childlike state where they can freely play with one another in a safe, trusting reality.
Category 9, Topic 35
Message 18 Fri Jan 24, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 02:36 EST
diane, i would like to switch from child-raising.... mainly because i don't think anyone has a right to tell someone else how to raise his kids (accept in cases of physical abuse)...but i've to would images harm a kid who has a strong base in reality...which i'm sure your kid has. in my experience, once the forbidden charge is taken away, most xxx movies are boring because they are bad art and bad joy, no passion, no fun, and not really pleasure (i did say MOST, and not ALL because people like annie sprinkle, veronica vera, and nina hartley are changing that..) and as examples of bad art and bad sex, they may be used as what is a waste of time...just like network t.v. nobody talks about banning network t.v. my kid was allowed to watch everything but was limited in how much time he could watch tv/movies....and now he is a straight, well-adjusted but conservative 17 year old... WHERE DID I FAIL?
all censorship creates a fragileness, and hence a powerlessness, in people, it is not just sex and's the anti-abortion, the english-only, the political correctness, the unaccessable mass media (53 cable channels, but all crap!) etc., etc. that should widen this subject up!
diane, i just did 2 videos of my performance: CHEROTIC COLLAGE and FRANK MOORE'S OUTRAGEOUS HORROR SHOW. i sell my videos for $30 each.
Category 8, Topic 7
Message 218 Fri Jan 31, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 03:11 EST
just water, diane. i’m stuffed and buzzed. we just came back from an ice cream is the “deathday” of one of my students, carlos, who died 3 years ago from aids. i worked with him for a year, both in life and in performance, to die lustfully. he did. but during the last month, he couldn’t get enough ice on his deathday we always pig out on ice cream with/for him.
Category 3, Topic 7
Message 32 Sat Feb 01, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 02:54 EST
thanks, stavros, for saving me a lot of typing. i’m a slow typist, and it would’ve taken me days to type. i really appreciate all you are doing.
now to work, i’m not against sex. casual orgasmic sex doesn’t work within the social or relational context. the western concept of orgasmic sex has hid from us many, many other physical trances of play. this is one of the reasons why i have circled around orgasmic sex in my work, to get to the hidden physical states. the reasons are practical, not moral...which is always true in shamanism. but using sex within a magical or an artistic context, that is not casual, radically changed the effects of sex. this is how “sex magic” works. btw, i’m looking for about 6 committed couples/triads of all kinds for a piece i called MUSEUM OF LOVE-MAKING.
stavros, to answer your question, the reality of the shaman is/was when what is now art, religion, psychology, science, medicine were all one whole experience...before they fragmented.