Old posters
It feels like things are just roaring along and we are running to catch up ... !
We had started talking about resuming work on Frank's multi-volume, full-color, coffee table Performance Books, but we didn't know it was starting right away ... and then one thing led to another .... and we were trying to figure out which year a Gilman Street performance was that just showed up on Facebook ... and in the course of searching the internet, we came across this Cornell U. collection of punk flyers ... which led to their collection of flyers that included Frank ... BOOM! ... work on the Performance Book has resumed!
This is what is written under Frank's name on this poster that we found posted on Facebook:
"Several yrs back the paraplegic God type on VideoWest?
He's back, and boy is he something."
Posters from:Â https://digital.library.cornell.edu/?f%5Bsubject_tesim%5D%5B%5D=Frank+Moore