Louise Scott
Louise passed away on Tuesday, February 18, 2020. She was 86, less than a month before her 87th birthday. Frank always said that Louise was “to blame” for him. Below is an old piece we just found that Frank wrote in 2010.
Also, at the bottom of the post is the audio of an interview Frank did with Louise in 1998 on his Shaman's Den show.
I and Louise first saw each other across the room at an all-night folk party that my college roommate Moe took me to just before he went back to D.C. But we didn't talk…and it was 6 months later when we really met.
I need to set this up. When I first went to college, the only way they would take me was if my mom would take me to classes. Being the person that she is, she enrolled in the courses also. Sounds great. But in reality, the kids wouldn't establish relationships with me because Mom was always around. So a break came when I transferred to the state college where Mom could not afford to go. [She continued at the local college.] I used the change to try to move out and get an apartment. But the only one I could find to be my attendant was an old ex-cop, resthome ex-nurse who had bad habits such as hitting his patients and getting drunk. He couldn't get into his head that I was his boss. I lived with him for 6 months…until he pulled a loaded gun on me in his drunken fit [I just yelled at him until he put the gun down and went to sleep]. My SDS friends took and hid me for a few days…By chance, I met Moe at a college dance and told him my story….and he said I could live with him and his roommates. And after he moved back to D.C., I got a place with my brother. But all of these situations were really only extensions of "home" with well-meaning strings which always finally sucked me back to home.
Louise's place was a hippie island in San Bernardino's ghetto for blacks, students, artists, and okies. It was over an acre of land with several large great buildings, a boxcar, a swimming pool, a sauna…all enclosed by gardens so nudity was normal. [Years later, I rented the place from her to live and do my work…unfortunately San Bernardino was not in the shaman market.] Anyway, my hippie/poet friend took me there. Louise remembered me from the party. And we talked…nude. She said I could/should come as often as I wanted.
Louise was a beat in the 50's. She hung out with Mort Sahl [I found that out only last year…he is one of my heroes]. She was involved in the founding of communes on the Russian River, L.A., and S.F. She had just come back from Santa Fe to sell her property. I started having my brother [who at that time was going through his straight phase, so did not quite approve] take me there every weekend so I could talk to Louise. I was in heaven talking to someone like her who encouraged me, being nude, being with my college hippie/poet friends who also hung out there.
I told Louise how I wanted to move out of home….but didn't see any way to. She said I could live with her and move to Santa Fe, N.M. with her. I knew when I made my next move, it had to be as far away as possible. So I dropped out of college and hitched to hippieland in Santa Fe…before Louise. The plan was she with her two kids would move out when she sold her property. That took a LONGER time than she had planned. For two months, I lived at a Santa Fe "crashpad" mission run by Louise's friend. Louise had been a founder of it. There I had to depend on the kids who drifted through The Center for all my needs. It was a very important time for me.
But when Louise finally came, we lived together as a family in various artist compounds. We never had money, but always had enough. The main focus was living within tribal community. Louise's weakness was men with character weaknesses…so she ran through men. And my cross was I hadn't had any sexual relationship yet. [Looking back on that time, I see all the possibilities I didn't see with those who were "sisters" to me….dumb!]
It was the gentle guidance by Louise during the year I lived with her that started me seeing my body as a tool. She told me people could use me as a medium for getting through to other dimensions. Because of the slowness of my communication board, they were forced to slow down. She said it was just my luck to be born into the long tradition of the deformed shaman, the wounded healer, the blind prophet, the club-footed "idiot" court jester.
When I was living with Louise, I became aware of the magical quality of extended time lengths when I attended an all-night peyote ceremony of the Native American church in Taos. Time was as powerful as the magic medicine in creating a group reality trance.
After I left, Louise became a midwife. She came to NYC to deliver my kid. She became a nurse. Then she went around the world without money. She swam for her life from a sinking ship off Thailand and was included in shamanistic rituals.
Then, back in Santa Fe, she was at the right place at the right time. The Indians needed someone to live and build on a 9-acre piece of land to protect their water rights. They gave Louise a 50-year lease…first 5 years, she doesn't pay anything. Then the next 5 years, she pay $500 a year…etc. So she worked as a nurse at night, and built by day…carrying everything across a creek before she built a bridge.
She is my roots!
Frank Moore interviews Louise Scott for FAKE Radio … a deep conversation with a wise woman, a cultural pioneer, a midwife, an international baglady … Frank Moore’s Shaman’s Den, November 15, 1998.
From Stephen Emanuel (2/23/20):
Yes, it was a very unique time and places...fond memories of loading Frank into an old Datsun car and chugging off to Santa Fe, first time he slept out under the stars and made it out of San Bernardino... we created several households of tribal families with Louise always the den mother. We were artists, musicians, activists misfits and all around crazies and it was an amazing journey for all of us. Frank thrived in the mix and was able to become the shaman healer that he was destined to be... we were able to provide the nurturing because of Louise and the tribe... and Frank got to do all that outrageous stuff with us in tow. Great fun and great works were done amidst all the struggles but there was always loving care from Louise for Frank and all of us. A couple of lives well lived that have touched so many.... the king and queen are dead, long live the king and queen!
From Keith Wilson (2/23/20):
Below is a small section of that interview where she talks about death, and how she wanted to be able to experience whatever comes when we die. I hope she did, and I hope she and Frank are once again together causing mischief and magic.
Keith: In the Shaman's Den interview you talked about life after death. And you say you're wondering if someone was waiting on the other side, like you just have these really interesting thoughts and curiosities about what's over there. Wherever “there” is. And I was just wondering if you could talk about that?
Louise Scott: Honey I have no idea. You know that we're going to be taking a trip one of these days. It's important to me to be conscious of it. You know. I mean it's just things we do in life and then we die.
And what there is on the other side. Anybody who says they know I don't believe them. We're all part of something here and we're all vibrations we're all... who knows what we are. I trust whatever it is it's going to be good because I think life's good. Life is so sweet. So whatever it is I hope I can experience it. I don't know if we take memories with us because people with Alzheimer's lose their memories. I would hope our memories stayed. Who knows. Who knows.